Bacteriological investigations (Investigasi bakteri)
Blood is
cultured to detect and identify bacteria or other cultivable microorganisms (yeasts,
filamentous fungi). The presence of such organisms in the blood is called
bacteraemia or fungaemia, and is usually pathological. In healthy subjects, the
blood is sterile. However, there are a few exceptions: transient bacteraemia
often occurs shortly after a tooth extraction or other dental or surgical
manipulation of contaminated mucous membranes, bronchoscopy, or urethral
catheterization. This type of transient bacteraemia is generally due to
commensal bacteria and usually resolves spontaneously through phagocytosis of
the bacteria in the liver and spleen. Septicaemia is a clinical term used to
describe bacteraemia with clinical manifestations of a severe infection,
including chills, fever, malaise, toxicity, and hypotension, the extreme form
being shock. Shock can be caused by toxins produced by Gram-negative rods or
Gram-positive cocci.
and where bacteraemia may occur
Kapan dan di mana bakteremia dapat terjadi
Bacteraemia is a
feature of some infectious diseases, e.g. brucellosis, leptospirosis and
typhoid fever. Persistent bacteraemia is a feature of endovascular infections,
e.g. endocarditis, infected aneurysm and thrombophlebitis.
Bakteremia adalah
fitur dari beberapa penyakit menular, misalnya brucellosis, leptospirosis dan
demam tifoid. Bakteremia persisten
adalah fitur dari infeksi endovascular, misalnya endokarditis, terinfeksi
aneurisma dan tromboflebitis.
bacteraemia often accompanies localized infections such as arthritis, bed
sores, cholecystitis, enterocolitis, meningitis, osteomyelitis, peritonitis, pneumonia,
pyelonephritis, and traumatic or surgical wound infections. It can arise from
various surgical manipulations, but usually resolves spontaneously in healthy
Sumber bacaan:
Basic laboratory procedures
in clinical bacteriology
Picture: Multiple orf lesions. Image provided by DermNet NZ
Banyak infeksi
yang dulu lazim di pedesaan Selandia Baru kini telah dimusnahkan, misalnya
parasit hidatidosa
dan brucellosis. Namun, beberapa infeksi, misalnya leptospirosis, dan Listeria,
yang kadang-kadang masih terlihat di masyarakat pedesaan. Leptospirosis,
campylobacter enterocolitis, salmonella enterocolitis, cryptosporidiosis dan
giardiasis adalah infeksi jarang didapat. Baru-baru ini paling umum di temukan di Selandia Baru, telah dibahas
dalam artikel sebelumnya infeksi dipedesaan. Untuk mengumpulkan daftar infeksi pedesaan lainnya,
kami telah dikategorikan mereka dengan faktor risiko utama mereka, yaitu:
Konsumsi makanan yang belum diproses dan
air yang tidak diobati
Paparan hewan
Paparan tanaman atau tanah
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