Bio-molecular architectural concept and bio-component studies
architectural concept and bio-component studies
novelty of the bio-inspired architecture to be presented here lies in the
strategic use of integrated biological elements to achieve higher-level
function and spectral data processing within a nanoscale and molecular-level
architecture. As discussed at length in Section 1, fundamental
absorption/emission properties present in known biological materials (e.g.,
DNA, RNA, etc.) can provide new insight for a novel approach to nanoscale device
functionality and integrated molecular-level sensing and data processing.
Specifically, DNA and RNA macromolecules have been shown to exhibit spectral absorption
characteristics with multiple absorption peaks that might be used to
selectively filter and control transmission frequency channels at very long
wavelengths. In addition, the absorption characteristics of such bio-molecules
are known to be strongly dependent on molecular conformations. As all
bio-molecules can be elevated to excited-state conformations through optical or
THz-frequency excitation, this process can be used to define ETO molecular
function. Therefore, it should be possible to utilize existing and the future
artificially designed bio-molecular elements to realize optical or
THz-frequency controlled filters of long wavelength electromagnetic signals.
inspired architecture for sensing
A very
simple example of the proposed concept is illustrated in Figure 4 where a hypothetically
tunable DNA-based filter (i.e., the THz-frequency spectral absorption peak
is influenced by the photonic emission at frequency f2 as
depicted in the inset) can be used to establish feedback, and as will be shown
later, clocking/register function. As conceptualized here, the ETO-based architecture
utilizes two emission sources (i.e., at frequencies f1 and f2_, a
single detector (i.e., sensitive to radiation at frequency f1_
and a
driven circuit. This particular bio-electronic element, as defined, will allow for
defining functionality through the coupling of multiple-frequency channels that
in turn control a direct-current pulse that periodically flows through the
circuit connecting detector D1 to emitter E2. One
important advantage of this architecture is that it is possible to realize
gating and feedback within densely packed bio-molecular components while at the
same time providing for isolation between other system elements (i.e., by utilizing
alternative transmission frequencies for nearby units). Also note that these types
of bio-molecular components might also be integrated with other inorganic
molecules and to traditional semiconductor devices to enable functional control
and data processing at the nanoscale. Most importantly, as this basic architecture
is intrinsically linked to species-specific spectral absorption features, these
bio-electronic systems can be engineered into sensing arrays that detect the
presence of target bio-agents. This approach also solves a critical sensing
problem, as this type of bio-architecture allows for the nanoscale modification
of the electronic and/or conformational state of the target agent – here it is
assumed that the target molecule will be captured into the system via
engineered ligand bonding sites. Therefore, this bio-electronic architecture
allows for a new MS3 approach that can expand the amount of
available spectral signature information and greatly improve detection,
identification, and characterization capabilities.
control element of the nano-circuit defined in Figure 4 is to utilize the ETO characteristics
of biomolecules – e.g., the THz-frequency spectral absorption will be modified
through optical excitation. For example, consider an arbitrary DNA fragment that
exhibits a conformation and typical absorption profile around a phonon-induced resonance
as shown in Figure 5(A). Here, the resulting spectral absorption is defined by
the ground-state conformation of the molecule as shown in the top of Figure
5(A). When subjected to an adequate external excitation (i.e., energy and
polarization), the molecule can experience a charge (or potential) redistribution
that is accompanied by changes in the conformation and spectral
characteristics. If the proper modeling tools are available, it should be
possible to identify naturally occurring or artificially engineered bio-molecules
that under proper excitations assume excited-state conformations with modified
spectral characteristics of the type as shown at the bottom of Figure 5(A). Indeed,
simulation studies [30] on small test molecules have already been used to
demonstrate this basic effect in the cis-2- and
trans-2-isomers of butene. Figure 5(B) shows these two
isomers (i.e., which can occur via a rotation around the center bond) along
with the discrete (no broadening) THz-frequency absorption spectrum which
displays the dramatic changes of the type needed for defining the new
bio-molecular architecture. This ETO effect will allow for defining
multi-frequency communications and for defining bio-molecular architectures
that enable logic and signal processing type functionality.
Bio-component modeling and simulation
successful implementation of bio-molecular architectures of the type described
in the last sub-section requires the identification of bio-molecules that can
be controllably induced (i.e., through optical and/or THz radiation) into
alternative geometric conformations. Furthermore, these molecules must exhibit
significant variations in their THz-frequency absorption characteristics, as to
make the approach useful for processing and collecting bio-signatures. The
sub-sections that follow will present a theoretical analysis of two
bio-molecules that demonstrate these required ETO-based characteristics. Specifically,
the investigations that follow will consider the optically induced isomers of
butene and retinal. Here, the results will show that optical control of
spectral characteristics is possible, with the smaller butene molecule
exhibiting infrared absorption signatures and the larger retinal molecule that
demonstrates similar properties in the THz regime.
Simulation and analysis of butene isomers
In the
initial study, the cis-trans isomers
of butene have been chosen because they are very well known and simple examples
of a ground- and metastable-state pair with significantly different geometries.
The cis-trans isomers
are geometric isomers, a type of stereoisomerism in which atoms or groups
display orientation differences around a double bond, such as trans-2- and
cis-2-butene as was shown earlier in Figure 5(B).
This work demonstrated molecular isomers that yield different sets of
vibrational frequencies.
In this
case to be studied, photo-induced transitions bring about the conversion from one
geometric shape (i.e., trans-2-butene) to another
(i.e., cis-2-butene) through rotation about a double bond
and the conversion is also called isomerization. The analysis presented here
includes calculations of the optimized energies, vibrational frequencies, and
infrared intensities that were carried out at the Hartree–Fock (HF) level
within the split valence polarized 6-31G(d) basis set in the Gaussian 98
package [31]. The energies of the excited states were found within the single
configuration interaction approach (CIS), where one models the first excited state
as combinations of a single substitution from the highest occupied molecular
orbital (HOMO) to the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO). Vibrational
frequencies were then computed by determining the second derivatives of the
potential energy with respect to the Cartesian nuclear coordinates and then
transforming to mass-weighted coordinates. Due to the fact that electron
correlation is neglected, the frequencies computed using the HF approximation are
known to be overestimated by approximately 10–12%. Furthermore, because a
medium-sized basis set was used, the derived values can be expected to deviate
even more from experiments, i.e., by approximately 15% in total [32].
Therefore, a scaling was performed on the originally calculated frequencies by
an empirical factor of 0.893 to eliminate known systematic errors in the
physical model. To monitor the process of isomerization from trans-2-butene
to cis-2-butene, the torsional angle _,
defined as the dihedral angle of the plane of C1–C2–C3 and the plane of C2–C3–C4
around the double bond in the C1–C2==C3–C4
chain associated with the molecule given in Figure 6(A), was taken to be the
reaction coordinate. The potential energy (PE) curves associated with the isomerization
process for the ground (S0_ and the first excited
singlet state (S1) of 2-butene are shown in Figure 6(B),
along with the next two excited states S2 and S3. Here
it is important to note that the trans-2 geometry
(i.e., _ = 180_) is the natural-state and the cis-geometry
(i.e., _ = 0_) is the metastable-state. Without external
excitations, the large PE barrier 1.98 eV in the ground state prevents the transition
from trans-2-butene to cis-2-butene.
It is also clear from Figure 6(B) that there is no barrier in the first excited
singlet state S1, which is ideal for an ultra-fast
switching between the trans- and cis-
isomers. Potential energy curves can be used to illustrate this optically
induced isomerization process by following the superimposed arrows. The process
begins with a required optical excitation (∼8_46 eV,
146 nm) of the “electronic-state” of the trans-geometry
from S0 to S1. This is followed by a non-radiative decay to the S1 PE
valley minimum, which corresponds to a 90_
rotation about the reaction coordinate. At this point, the molecule
undergoes an “electronic” radiative decay from S1 to S0. This
is followed by a second non-radiative decay to the cis-geometry,
which corresponds to a second 90_ rotation
about the reactive coordinate. At this point, butene will remain in the
metastable cis-2 geometry until thermal
relaxation of the system back to the ground state. To estimate the probability
that the excited trans-2-butene will follow the
isomerization process described above, instead of relaxing back to its own
ground state, we investigate the molecular dynamics of butene in the first
singlet excited state S1 by combining the theory of Newton’s
Dynamics and standard quantum chemistry software Gaussian 98. We began the
investigation from cis-geometry (_
= 0__ and calculated the time for the
excited cis-geometry to achieve the energy minimum (_
= 90__ and the excited trans-geometry
(_ = 180__ of S1. The
calculation procedure is as follows: (i) we calculated the potential energy of
the ground state and the excitation energy of S1 of the optimized
cis-butene using Gaussian 98 package and by adding
the two energies we got the potential energy of the excited cis-butene.
Note that we took this potential energy as the total energy of butene ( i.e. we
assume the kinetic energy of excited cis-butene is 0). To initiate the
rotation, we actually started from a very small _ with a
very small initial velocity. (ii) For every 10_, we calculated 20 points (i.e., we performed Gaussian 98
every 0_5_). For
every point, we calculated the ground-state energy without optimization and the
corresponding excitation energy; thus we got the potential energy of the
excited state. By subtracting the potential energy from the total energy, we
got the kinetic energy. Then we used the energies of 20 points to calculate the
time for butene to rotate 10_ by
integrating Newton’s equations. The relation between the potential energies of
excited states and time is given in Figure 7, and for demonstrative purposes,
the PE curves of the ground state S0 is presented
on the same graph. We can see that the time for excited trans-2-butene
to relax to the valley minimum is about 100 fs and symmetrically it takes
almost the same time to go from the minimum to cis-2-butene.
On the other hand, according to the spontaneous emission theory the time for
excited trans-2-butene to relax back to ground state is about 5_9×103 s. So
the isomerization process will be significantly probable. In Figure 8, we
demonstrate how the dihedral angle of C1–C2==C3–C4
double bond, or the geometric structure of butene, will change with time. The lowest
vibrational frequencies and the associated IR intensities that were calculated for
trans-2-butene and cis-2-butene
are compared in Figure 9. These results indicate a significant difference in
spectral signatures of the two molecular conformations and one that has the
general quantitative characteristics needed by the previously discussed
bio-molecular architecture.
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